Making time for ourselves this Self-Care Day
In our fast-paced world, it’s hard to slow down and take some time out for ourselves. We make excuses like we’re “too busy” and we’ll “do it tomorrow” - but how often does that tomorrow come? Why do we tend to delay what we know will make us happier and healthier?
We already know that chugging through life, always on the go and making no time to refuel our engines only leaves us drained, stressed, and unmotivated. That’s why making time for self-care is SO important. Reserving an hour - or even a few minutes - of the day to recharge means we can come back to our daily responsibilities with a renewed sense of focus and a fresh mindset.
Self-care looks a little different to each of us. So we checked in with some of the Good & Proper team to learn more about their self-care routines (spoiler alert - tea features pretty heavily 😝):
Emilie Holmes, Founder, says:
“My biggest non-negotiable when it comes to self-care is running. It was a lockdown love that stuck, and I immediately feel it if I don't run a couple of times a week and the overwhelm can build up. It is more about my headspace than my body - I just find it reduces that frenzied feeling and brings creativity back after hours at your emails. I love a bath, with a candle, as a way to unwind too, but sometimes ruin it by taking my phone in there which should be an absolute no-no! Finally I never go a day without a cup of tea in bed before the day starts - Brockley Breakfast, without fail. Even if my kids are giggling and jumping on my bed around me, I cling onto the cup for dear life - it’s a (relatively) calm start before the mad morning routine that I won't budge on."
Josh Mordecai, Business Development & Ops Director, says:
“I'm a bit of an exercise junkie so getting up early to work out is an important part of my self-care routine. I do CrossFit 5 days a week, either lifting something heavy or getting my heart rate nice and high before I start work. I also have a dog, so it's normally a 5:45 am start to walk with him along the seafront to the gym. This is one of my favourite parts of the day and allows me to totally clear my head before the inevitably busy day ahead. I'll always sit down at my desk with either a coffee or Jade Tips, depending on how I'm feeling. I definitely need that caffeine fix to get me going after rising early! After work, if the weather is nice I might go for a run or swim. To relax in the evenings, I'll either stretch or play guitar, often with a cup of Chamomile to help me get to sleep. I always try and get plenty of sleep as I know I'll be up early walking the dog! With all this exercise, I need to keep myself fuelled with lots of healthy food but sometimes I struggle for time. So I'll often prep some healthy meals on Sunday to help me through the week.”

Suzanna Millington, Wholesale Co-Ordinator, says:
“Self care is something that I've discovered later on in life. I'm still learning what I like and dislike, and what makes me feel relaxed and refreshed! Moisturising before bed is essential, and making sure I stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day (still making progress on this one...!) helps me feel my best. Also ensuring I get out of the house at some point every day to stretch my legs and clear my head - my most creative thoughts and ideas usually come during my walks to and from the office. I love the escapism that reading offers and it's so nice to get lost in the pages of a good book rather than doom scrolling through social media or streaming platforms before bed. I usually brew a Brockley Breakfast to enjoy from my favourite mug, light my candle of choice, and curl up on the sofa with the evening lights on for the ultimate cosy reading session.”

Keenia Dyer-Williams, Marketing Manager, says:
“I know I haven’t been keeping up with my self-care when I start to feel frustrated and burnt-out. I try to re-inject some joy into my life by belting my heart out and dancing to my favourite guilty pleasures when pottering around in the kitchen. Any chance I can get to let my inner-child run free! If I have time, instead of sitting in front of the TV, I’ll run an Epsom salt bath and read a book by candlelight. I might even get the candles out again for a yoga session if I have enough energy. These moments help me romanticise my life and fall back in love with these simple little pleasures. When I’m running short on time, one thing I know I can always make time for is a pot of loose leaf tea. The whole ritual of measuring the tea leaves and watching it infuse in the glass teapot is so relaxing and, for 3-4 minutes, I can press pause on the day’s stresses. Earl Grey is one of my favourites to brew (it smells amazing and the cornflowers are beautiful!), and a pot of Lemon Verbena before bed helps me fall right asleep.”

Sophie Brennan, Sales Executive, says:
“Self-care to me starts every night when I set my alarm crazy early for the next day because, as hard as it is, making that time for myself is the best start to the day. I use that time to move my body at pilates and walk outside. If I’m lucky I’ll squeeze in a call back home to Australia, because nothing helps me feel more calm and grounded than checking in with friends and family! After this I love to get back home for some journalling outdoors alongside a cup of Breakfast Brew, before jumping in the shower and heading out the door to take on the work day ahead. Outside of that, I love to stock my fridge with fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating well makes me feel my best and gives me extra time later on in the week to fill my cup by seeing friends and socialising.”