How to Make Hibiscus + Lime Fizz
You won’t find many Hibiscus iced teas being served in cafes in western societies, yet elsewhere in the world hibiscus flowers are brewed with merriment. Barely a meal passes in Mexico without a jug of so-called ‘Agua de Jamaica’ waiting nearby. Hibiscus flowers, when steeped in boiling water, produce a fruity yet devilishly tart herbal infusion. Sometimes known as ‘sour tea’, its flavour is often likened to the sharp acidity of a cranberry. Here we’ve softened the tang with a little brown sugar, making this deep red creation a wonderful refreshment for a hot day.
You may well want to prepare plenty of this tea in the summer months. If so, a large batch of the sweetened hibiscus concentrate can be made and stored in the fridge in an airtight bottle for up to a week. To prepare, simply pour the tea over ice and lime slices and top up with sparkling water in the same ration as in the recipe.
Watch our How to Video, see instructions below or find the full recipe on p.109 in our Good & Proper Tea book.
What you need (per drink)
1 heaped tsp Hibiscus leaves or 1 tea bag (see brewing guide below)
100ml boiling water
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar (to taste)
100ml soda water
1 lime wedge
Plenty of ice
Brewing Guide
We recommend hot-brewing your tea for this one to ensure you get a really strong concentrate.
Bring 100ml freshly drawn, filtered water to the boil.
Pour over 1 heaped tsp Hibiscus leaves or 1 tea bag
Allow to infuse for at least 10 minutes - the longer the better!
Remove the leaves or tea bag
- Prepare your tea as per Brewing Guide above
- Stir in the sugar while your tea is still warm
- Prepare your glass with a wedge of lime and plenty of ice
- Add the Hibiscus concentrate
- Top up with soda water
- Enjoy!