How to make Peach Iced Tea
If you did in fact move to the country during the "get me out of the city" pandemic panic, but are yet to eat a lot of peaches (you know the song), now is the time! Peach season is upon us, and perfectly ripe, super sweet, peachy peaches are exactly what this week's iced tea recipe calls for.
Peach Iced Tea is something we’ve all had at least once out of a can, but it's fair to say that very little of those sticky sweet concoctions actually resemble real tea. So here we are, doing things properly with real tea leaves and real peaches.
Our English Breakfast blend works really well here but Earl Grey is lovely with peach too - you can even get a little creative and do 50:50 of each.
Ingredients - serves 4
- 6g English Breakfast tea leaves or 2 English Breakfast tea bags
- 500ml cold, filtered water (for the cold-brewed tea)
- 1 or 2 large peaches or 2 or 3 smaller peaches (250g once chopped)
- 250ml cold water
- 30g of sugar
Prepare your tea (day before)
- Measure your tea leaves into a jug or bottle (our Hario Cold Brew bottle is perfect for this) and add 500ml of water. Cover and set aside at room temperature for around 12 hours or overnight - taste to test if the strength is as you’d like it. If you want it stronger, leave it for a few more hours, this extraction is slow so you won’t suddenly over-brew it.
- Strain and refrigerate until you’re ready to make your drinks
- Cut a couple of thin slices of peach, skin-on, and set aside for your garnish
- Cut the rest of the peach into chunks (approx 250g or 1 cup)
- Put the peach in a blender, then add the same amount of cold water eg 250ml or 1 cup.
- Blend until smooth, then pour into a small pan
- Add the sugar and put the pan on a low heat, allowing it to simmer gently for 10 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and pass the puree through a sieve into a large jug. Set aside to cool.
- Once cool (and ideally not before) add the cold-brewed tea to the jug and stir to combine.
- Prepare your glasses with plenty of ice and a peach slice garnish in each
- Divide the peach iced tea between the glasses.
- Enjoy!